Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Advantages of SharePoint Mini Calendar by iTechArt

SharePoint users often complain about inconveniencies while dealing with the out-of-the-box calendar, the crucial drawback of which is its non- resizeability. On encountering this drawback, iTechart developers came up with the natural solution - creating a resizeable and fully customizeable Mini Calendar Web Part, which integrates both the regular SharePoint Calendar functionality and new features allowing to use the calendar whenever necessary in the most ergonimic way.
SharePoint Mini Calendar by iTechart was initially created to make it easier for the company’s employees to work with SharePoint. Later on, however, we realized that other users might be seeking a similar solution and finally decided to share our Mini Calendar Web Part with those who are interested in it, at a nominal cost of 49 U.S. dollars. Although similar products by other developers are way more expensive, we agreed on this particular price to make the Mini Calendar available to wider ranges of users since the underlying idea behind creating our own Mini Calendar Web Part was not gaining profits, but facilitating working with SharePoint and making it more convenient. We are sure that after you have compared our Mini Calendar version with those by other developers you will be fully satisfied with its quaility. We hope that using Mini Calendar by iTechArt will turn out handy should you opt to get yourself one.
You can see demo version of Mini Sharepoint Calendar


  1. Wow. Thanks for sharing this post and highlighting the advantages. I was also trying and dealing with the problem of non resizeability. Now after knowing about the min calendar I am going to use this one.
    records management
